Eliminate Internal Back-and-Forth of Your HR Finance Operations for Greater Efficiency and Accuracy

Leverage a data-driven, intuitive solution that creates freedom, reduces complexity, and can be deployed without costly IT resources.
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The Daily Routine in HR Finance is Marked by Manual Tasks Which Often Leave Little Time for Value-Adding Activities

Master data is often outdated and inconsistent

Outdated, decentralized master data in HR systems requires significant maintenance. Bridging across operational systems can centralize and streamline updates for more efficient HR operations.

Processes are manual and not standardized

Email and lengthy steering meetings are often used for communication, Excel for knowledge storage and visualization, and manual processes are error-prone. Therefore decision-making can be faulty, inconsistent, or slow as a result.

HR Finance operations are time-consuming for all stakeholders

Inaccuracies or mistakes can lead to financial and legal consequences for the organization. Streamlining and automating these processes can help reduce errors and free up resources for business development.

Leverage a user-friendly, data-driven solution to enhance your HR decision-making capabilities and reduce manual data analysis, streamlining productivity and financial accuracy

Get Live Access to Headcount and Budget Data, Reducing Time Spent on Number Crunching and Analysis. No Need to Adjust Your Current Setup, While HR is Empowered to Independently Explore headcount-related Investment Decisions.

Effortlessly Track and Forecast Workforce Spend Changes
Keep track of all changes to workforce and headcount spending, such as planned hires, internal transfers, pay increases, variable compensation, bonuses, benefits, and other adjustments, and create accurate forecasts for future spending
Receive Well-Structured Budget Proposals for Fast Evaluation
Understand the budget impact of initiatives suggested by HR through a built-in budgeting tool and discuss with HR via built-in chat and commenting functionality
Effortless Budget Management
Distribute budget targets and automatically track against budget allowances
Refine Payroll Expense Analysis
Evaluate Compensation Component Deviations to Enhance Future Planning and Decision-Making

Planpay ensures the Finance department is immediately informed and approves all changes in headcount and hiring plans, enhancing transparency into workforce adjustments.

Streamline Hiring Management
Consolidate hiring plans and trackers for effortless collaboration and unparalleled transparency, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of allocated hiring budgets
Streamline Headcount Approvals and Compensation Modifications
Automatically approve planned hires in line with specifications of budgeted positions, while requiring manual approval for off-plan hires. Determine appropriate, case-by-case compensation modifications for offers and promotions deviating from standard salary ranges
Efficiently Align Headcount and Hiring Plans
Swiftly coordinate existing staff, authorized hires, anticipated adjustments, forecasted backfills, upcoming start dates, and scheduled departures for a cohesive workforce strategy and always up-to-date financial model inputs

Drive Business Success and Retain Top Talent with Powerful Insights and Collaboration Tools for Effective Team Management

Empower Team Managers and Help Them Retain Top Talent
Equip team managers and budget owners with actionable Insights into available budgets and customizable compensation guidelines (salary increases, bonuses, and more) for efficient decision-making and retention of top talent
Boost Transparency and Accountability
Give budget owners access to their own headcount data, strengthen stakeholder alignment and enhance buy-In for headcount investment decisions through built-in collaboration tools

Streamline Compensation Management with a Centralized Platform to Easily Share and Control Access to Comp Bands

Stay Ahead of Internal Pay Inequity and Churn
Ensure compliance with constantly evolving internal compensation policies and minimize wage inequalities during smooth compensation reviews to get ahead of issues like churn and pay inequity
Stay Competitive in Today’s Talent Market
Analyze your compensation practices directly to the market, understand pay competitiveness and assess employee attrition risk. Proactively calculate and prioritize potentially necessary salary investments to stay competitive in today’s talent market

The daily routine in HR Finance is marked by manual tasks, which often leave little time for value-adding activities

Optimize Stakeholder Collaboration and Workflows with a Single Cross-Functional Tool

Maximize Efficiency & Collaboration with One Unified Platform
Streamline stakeholder collaboration, budgeting, audit exceptions, approvals, and workflows in a single cross-functional tool

Eliminate Data Inaccuracy and Inconsistency with Automated Tracking and Notification System

Stop Chasing Inaccurate or Missing Data
Leverage a system that automatically records all modifications across your HRIS, ATS, and hiring plan, and proactively detects deviations or inconsistencies from standards
Track Modifications with Precision
Maintain an audit of trail of what changes were made, when and by whom to allow for historical analysis of decision processes and relevant cost drivers

Design Your Future Organization with Scenario-Based Modeling and Streamlined Approval Processes for Collaborative Decision-Making and Department Autonomy

Design Your Future Organization with Simple Scenario-Based Modeling
Create multiple workforce scenarios with real-time budget calculations, compare them side-by-side to understand differences, and share plans for collaborative decision-making
Enable Department Autonomy
Streamline submission of plans and budget requests for approval with contextual scenario data integration

Benefit from Customizable Dashboards and Automated Reporting Features that Actively Monitor Budget Management Inconsistencies. Identify Variances and Delve Deeper to Comprehend Their Causes

Effortlessly Craft Stunning, Reliable Dashboards
Assign owners, watchers, and experts for each dashboard and securely share insights with them, get automated status updates, schedule alerts and chart updates, communicate with colleagues, and address questions and feedback on-page
Automate Collective Reporting
Eliminate repetitive reporting work by scheduling recurring data collection and distribution tasks with intuitive version controls and full control on data merging
Unlock Dashboard Flexibility
Advanced filters and cross-filtering enable effortless data point selection and self-service customization, also for non-technical users

Customer testimonials

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Name Surname

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